Thursday 27 May 2010

Poetry from Art at Tate Modern - spring course photos

During my spring Poetry from Art course at Tate Modern, two photographers – Katie Snooks and Masayo Matsuda – took photos of us working in the Arshile Gorky exhibition. The paintings we worked with were 'Waterfall' and 'How My Mother's Embroidered Apron Unfolds in My Life'. The resulting poems are included in an online publication on the Tate Modern website. I'm now planning for the summer course which starts Monday 7 June in the Mona Hatoum installations in the Poetry & Dream wing: 'Home', 'Divan Bed' and 'Incommunicado'. We'll be in a different exhibition each week.


  1. Lovely, Pascale. Thank you for letting us see these.


  2. Thanks Jane, they are such a wonderful group to work with and the setting is a gift.


  3. the pictures are such a great reminder - looking forward to the next course Pascale, and thank you for letting me share this on my blog!
