The Horse Hospital is in central London, one minute's walk from and just behind Russell Square Tube. Full address is: Colonnade, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 1HX. It's an atmospheric arty venue with a screen so I'll be able to give a short reading with projections of Frida Kahlo's paintings. There will be free wine and refreshments.
Further launches are at the Hay Festival Wednesday 2 June, Lancaster LitFest Wednesday 23 June 7.45pm (at the Storey), Ledbury Festival Saturday 3 July 10.30am–12noon, Birmingham Book Festival Thursday 7 October 7.15 – 8.15pm, Manchester Literature Festival Tuesday 19 October (a lunchtime event at Manchester Art Gallery), and more to be confirmed. Most readings will be with a slideshow of the paintings.
To pre-order the book from Seren and for more details about the collection please click here.