Saturday, 27 March 2010

Launch of What the Water Gave Me – Poems after Frida Kahlo

The London launch of my fifth collection, What the Water Gave Me – Poems after Frida Kahlo (Seren), will be on Thursday 17 June, 6.30 – 8.30pm, at The Horse Hospital in Bloomsbury. If you would like to be added to the guest list please email me at

The Horse Hospital is in central London, one minute's walk from and just behind Russell Square Tube. Full address is: Colonnade, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 1HX. It's an atmospheric arty venue with a screen so I'll be able to give a short reading with projections of Frida Kahlo's paintings. There will be free wine and refreshments.

Further launches are at the Hay Festival Wednesday 2 June, Lancaster LitFest Wednesday 23 June 7.45pm (at the Storey), Ledbury Festival Saturday 3 July 10.30am–12noon, Birmingham Book Festival Thursday 7 October 7.15 – 8.15pm, Manchester Literature Festival Tuesday 19 October (a lunchtime event at Manchester Art Gallery), and more to be confirmed. Most readings will be with a slideshow of the paintings.

To pre-order the book from Seren and for more details about the collection please click here.